
All accommodations

How it works



Update log

And a schedule for future plans

We are currently in the process of transferring the platform to a new next level state.

The sign-up process and swop actions are already improved, but we also want to improve the overall speed on the platform.

Because of the magnitude of this transition, we will accomplish it in steps.

This way we can guarantee that you can continue swoping at all times.

Part of the system has already been transferred which empowers all general pages, the blog, landing page and help pages to be opened much faster.

In addition to the speed improvements, the advantages are a more user-friendly platform.

What are the next steps in this process?

In the next step we will expand the destination filter options and the accommodation pages.

After these have been successfully implemented, we will take the final step of the transition.

A new login and user dashboard.

Questions about the platform improvements.

Will i keep my credits?

Offcourse! With this transition you will keep your credits, accommodation, planned swops and active membership plan.‎‎‎‎‎‎

Will the platform stay online?

Yes. Since the transition will be done in steps, the platform will remain online throughout the transition. We will always keep you informed about the adjustments that have been completed and are planned.

Become a member.

Ready to go on free adventures?

Start your journey with 10 credits, that are 5 nights for 2 persons at any accommodation available. By filling your empty rooms or by letting other community members stay at your place, you earn more credits to use for yourself or to treat your family or staff members!




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SwopYourStay, earn credits and open the gateway to free adventures.

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