
All accommodations

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Be nice to each other

SYS Community Guidelines.

Community guidelines

  1. Swop Your Stay is a community platform; therefore, every member is equal and should be treated as you would like to be treated yourself.
  2. When you want to enter a Swop, you should add a note to the Swop receiving party about yourself and what you are looking for.
  3. When receiving a Swop request, you MUST reply to the requested.
  4. When you are accepting the Swop this can be a short pleasant one welcoming the community member

    When you are declining the Swop, you MUST let your fellow community member know that you decline the Swop.

  5. It goes without saying that hosts should NOT provide lesser service to Swop Your Stay guests than they would for a paying guest. You are being paid in credits by your Swop Your Stay guests, these credits represent a value of between €50-€150 per credit.
  6. We do hope you will go all the way to give your SYS fellow community member a wonderful experience at your accommodation! Just as you would like to be treated when you use your earned SYS credits.
  7. When you are treating a staff or family member with SYS credits there are some simple rules to comply to:
  8. You, as the Swop Your Stay member, must make the request to the hosting accommodation. When making this request, you must let the hosting party know that you are using your credit as a treat.

    You must give the names of the guests using your credits to the hosting party.

    You are responsible. Make sure the person(s) you are sending on your credits understand the Swop Your Stay etiquettes and protocols and that they will display good manners.

    Any ill conduct or legal charges made by the host to the individual are your responsibility

  9. If you do have an unpleasant experience with another Swop Your Stay member, be this as a host, as a guest or as a host to a treated individual, DON’T go rushing of to social media and make a public issue out of it. Instead send us an email and explain the experience and what you have done to resolve the complaint. We believe in a respectful treatment of all community members by all members and therefore will do our best to solve any issues occurring.
Become a member.

Ready to go on free adventures?

Start your journey with 10 credits, that are 5 nights for 2 persons at any accommodation available. By filling your empty rooms or by letting other community members stay at your place, you earn more credits to use for yourself or to treat your family or staff members!




Join the community

SwopYourStay, earn credits and open the gateway to free adventures.

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